Thursday, January 2, 2020

2020 NHL Free Agency Predictions

What will the NHL Free Agent class earn in the spring and summer of 2020? These are my preliminary predictions based on the player stats at Christmas, projected over a full season. The predictions were determined through a database of comparable free agents from previous seasons, looking at the closest statistical comparables, and taking averages of the contracts they received. But I did not just copy-paste the averages, as term affects salary. I had to look at the range of outcomes and make a judgement call. Older players can get a lower cap hit with extra term, where younger players can get a higher cap hit with extra term, because of the cost of selling UFA years. ETC

Note that the ages listed below are the age the player will be on Sept 15 2020.

UFA Forwards

RFA Forwards

UFA Defense

RFA Defense

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